Submissions from 2024
Student Research Symposium Schedule 2024, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Nurturing Student's Academic Belongingness and Success Within a Hispanic Majority Institution, Arianna Acosta and Jasmyne Thomas
Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessments of Produced Water Treatment for Beneficial Reuse, Elora Afrin
Target Macrophytes: Increasing Water Quality Through Optimized Vegetation Considerations for Constructed Wetlands, Kimia Ahmadiyeh
Social Characteristics of Water Conservation, Korina Alcantara
Thermal Physiology of the Giant Day Gecko, Phelsuma grandis, Infinity Alvarez
Thermal Physiology of a Warm-Adapted Temperate Lizard, the Texas Spotted Whiptail, Infinity Alvarez and Hailey Cruz
Electrocoagulation of Synthetic Produced Water Using a Continuous-Flow Reactor, Benjamin Arellano and Chloé Casuga
Forms of Social Comparison in Different Socioeconomic and First-Generation Statuses, Juliana Arguello, Alena Raya, Isabella Castellanos, Jasmyne Thomas, and Anisa Halperin
The Effects of Movement Planning on Ground Reaction Force During a Single-Leg Landing, Jaelynn Barrera
Reproductive Natural History of the American Grass Mantid, Thesprotia graminis, Bridget Battaglia
Creating a New Measure of Traditional (Toxic) Masculinity: The TM Survey, Miranda Bernal
From Jackie Robinson to Today, Deshaun Borders
Transcriptomics of Typhlatya, Danielle Bragg
Academic Self-concept Differs by Type of Social Comparison at a Hispanic Majority Institution, Isabella Castellanos, Alena Raya, and Anastacia Wicks
Electrical Coagulation of Synthetic Produced Water Using a Continuous Flow Reactor, Chloé Casuga
Mosquito Abundance Within the San Antonio Zoo, Laura Cruz
Navigating the Future: Communication Skills and Employability in Accounting Students, MaryAnn Cumpian
Studying the Indoor Air Transmission of Staphylococcus aureus, Lauren Esp
The African Settlement of San Mateo de Cangrejos and its Historical and Cultural Influence on Puerto Rican Society, Diego Feliciano
Ecological Use of AI for Invertebrate Zoology, Ana Flores
It’s Not Me, It’s You: Attachment, Love Styles, and Breakup Distress, Katelynn Flores
The World on Women’s Shoulders: A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Gender and the Environment, Renate Ford
Gender Differences Emotions Regulations in Work vs Relationship Situations, Marilyn Garcia and Abby Moriarty
Convergent Evolution of Signaling Mechanisms in Pain and Stress, Citlalli Guadarrama
Impact of Land Development on Soil Microdiversity, Dennis Guillen Castro
Determining the Causal Effects and Moderating Role of Social Comparison Among Hispanic Undergraduate Students at a Minority Serving University, Anisa Halperin, Juliana Arguello, Alena Raya, and Isabella Castellanos
The Cost of Christianity for Samurai from 1549-1620, Hunter Harrison
A Computational Systems Biology Approach for the Identification of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Staphylococcus aureus, Md Imran Hasan
Where are the Latinas? An Analytical Analysis of the Media and the DOD, Layla Hernandez
The Activity and Origin of Chitinases in the Gut of the Mediterranean Gecko, Alec John
Bingocize®: Enhancing Physical and Cognitive Health for Nursing Home Residents, Jordan Kappmeyer and Maria Santillan Ibarra
Breast Cancer and Hopelessness, Aimee Kling and Angelica Ramirez
Cattle in Our Local Area, Evan Lambert
Understanding Amphibian Life Cycle Ecology and Evolution via Agent-Based Modeling, Jesus Lopez
The Greatest of These is Love-- Or is it Secure Attachment?, Kayla Lopez and Jarad Reiss
The Lucha of Lucha Libre, Gabriel Luna
Seasonal Changes in Groundwater Chemistry of the Edwards Aquifer, Alisha Martinez
Economic Sanction and International Migration, Angie Martinez
Characterizing the Metazoan Community of an Undisturbed Cenote of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Muntadher Mashaan, Fernando Calderon Gutierrez, Danielle Bragg, and Gabrielle Vaughn
Dating Attitudes, Brittany McCoslin
Relationship Satisfaction: Stress and Resilience, Brittany McCoslin, Stephanie Cruz, Carissa Farley, and Alicia Ramirez
An Invertebrate Model Using Galleria mellonella to Study the Innate Immune Response to Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Rebecca McGehee, Shedeur Keener, and Skyler Sallee
Professional Development in Spanish for Dual Language Teachers: Communities of Practice in the Target Language of Instruction, Shelem Morales
Unveiling Hidden Factors: Spatial-Temporal Roadway Accident Visualization and Analysis in San Antonio, Cristian Moran
Recuperative Rhetorics: A Novel Framework for Rhetorical Analysis, Nicolas Palumbo
Going Gray Too Early: Color (Grayscale) Effects on Correct Facial Identification, Roman Pardo, Mikael Gabriel Ona, and Arleth Morquecho
JagCoach: AI-Assisted Coaching Platform to Enhance Oral Communication Skills for College Students, Rudy Ramos
Discovering New Phytoplasma Strains in Texas: A Study on Insects and Wild Grasses, Danielle Rios
Job Satisfaction, Stress, and Verbal Praise, Jacquelynne Rios, Linda Castillo, and Amparo Luna
It’s All About Me: How Narcissism Impedes Facial Recognition, Adriana Rodriguez, Edith Escamilla, Ana Zavala, and Stephanie Gooding
Allometric Growth in Gambusia Affinis, Andrea Rodriguez
Optimizing Omnivory: Quantifying Digestive Efficiency in Response to Different Diets in the Day Gecko, Phelsuma grandis, Angela Roth and Haley Johnson
Comparative Thermal Ecology of a Recently Urbanized and a Wild Population of Sceloporus olivaceous in San Antonio, Claudia Salazar and Aisha Abdirahman
Effect of Probiotics and Lime Water on Body Weight and Body Composition, Francis Sanchez
Age-Based Stereotype Threat in Older Witness: A Cultural Investigation, Maria Santillan Ibarra, Steven Matias, and Jorge Santillan Ibarra
Blast Off: The Comic Format as a Launchpad for Meaning-Making in Tillie Walden’s On a Sunbeam, Krystyn Stacy and Marissa Cook
Agent-Based Modeling to Assess Optimal Conditions for Reducing Air Transmission, Lyndsy Stacy
'Whatcha’ lookin’ at: Using Eye-Tracking Technology for ID Verification, Chloe Sullivan, Steven Matias, Kaitlyn Acierno, Laritza Garcia, and Juliana Arguello
Relationship Satisfaction Predicted by Childhood Trauma, Attachment Styles, and Religiosity, Jazette Tellez and Gerardo Bocanegra
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Predicting Prospective and Retrospective Memory, Julianna Valencia, Chelsea Schwartz, and Ocktavius Palomares
Insights into Subterranean Connectivity Within the Aquifer of the Yucatán Peninsula: Population Genetics and Distribution of Typhlatya Species, Gabrielle Vaughn
Desalination of Synthetic Produced Water by Directional Solvent Extraction in a Semi-Continuous System, Pablo Vicaria
Analyzing the Performance and Cost-Efficiency of Deploying Machine Learning Models in Cloud, Hongyu Wang
Impact of Management Strategies of the San Antonio River on Mosquito Diversity and Abundance, Kailynn Wells
Two Wrong Decisions are Worse Than One: Dual-Task Performance on an ID Screening Task, Nathan Wieters, Arleth Morquecho, and Mikael Gabriel Ona