Dating Attitudes

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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This study investigated the relationship between self-oriented and other-oriented attitudes and their relationship toward online dating behaviors. Research has suggested that specific love and sexual attitudes correlate with self or other orientations. The Love Attitudes Scale-Short Form and Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale (LAS-SF and BSAS; Hendrick et al., 1998; Hendrick et al., 2006) were utilized and each subscale was assigned either a self or other orientation. Additionally, participants completed the Hookup Motives Questionnaire (HMQ; Kenney et al., 2013) and answered questions about dating app use to establish a base of dating behaviors. It was hypothesized that theoretical self-oriented subscale items of the BSAS and the LAS-SF would positively correlate with Coping and Enhancement Motives of the HMQ. It was hypothesized that other-oriented subscale items of the BSAS would positively correlate with the HMQ variable Social-Relationship Seeking. Results varied for other-oriented subscales and no significant results were found for self-oriented subscales.


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