"It’s Not Me, It’s You: Attachment, Love Styles, and Breakup Distress" by Katelynn Flores

It’s Not Me, It’s You: Attachment, Love Styles, and Breakup Distress


Katelynn Flores

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The majority of relationship breakup studies have focused on factors such as quality of the relationship, lack of control, and mental stress. In this study, we were interested in how breakup distress was predicted by the participants’ attachment styles (Hazen & Shaver, 1987) and Hendrick and Hendrick’s six Love Styles (1986). A multiple regression was carried out to investigate whether the three attachment styles, Secure, Anxious-ambivalent, and Avoidant, including six love styles, Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, or Agape, significantly predicted breakup distress. An online survey was distributed to 124 participants from psychology’s subject pool. The model explained 26% of the variance and demonstrated that breakup distress was significantly predicted by those IVs, F(9,86) = 3.351, p


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