"Ecological Use of AI for Invertebrate Zoology" by Ana Flores

Ecological Use of AI for Invertebrate Zoology


Ana Flores

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This ecological research project integrates AI with wildlife monitoring at a new property along the San Antonio River, managed by the San Antonio River Authority and Texas A&M-SA. Our focus is to document wildlife biodiversity, by placing camera traps and collecting terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. To accomplish this, we trained and tested the image recognition effectiveness of AI software using images from the internet and previous studies. We will present the methods used to develop the image database and the preliminary results on the AI’s ability to recognize different wildlife taxa. These findings will launch the second stage of our study, which aims to estimate wildlife composition and biodiversity using the trained AI and new images of the wildlife at the property. The AI software developed will be utilized in future projects and educational activities such as Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Wildlife Management, and Invertebrate Zoology labs.


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