"Professional Development in Spanish for Dual Language Teachers: Commun" by Shelem Morales

Professional Development in Spanish for Dual Language Teachers: Communities of Practice in the Target Language of Instruction


Shelem Morales

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Monoglossic ideologies in the educational system in the United States are one of the barriers for the lack of Spanish language support bilingual teachers receive in the form of professional development. Professional learning is a crucial element of the work of all educators throughout their entire careers, studies show that advanced professional training can improve knowledge, competence, skills, and effectiveness. This study adopted the sociocultural theory and communities of practice to examine 75 bilingual teachers’ attitude toward their own language development and perceptions of professional development in different levels of training. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection, the presentation will focus on the discussion of findings in attitude, perceptions, support, and challenges in Spanish language professional development, and pedagogical implications will be addressed.


Borderlands Rhetorics and Histories
BLH 262
