"Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessments of Produced Water Treatm" by Elora Afrin

Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessments of Produced Water Treatment for Beneficial Reuse


Elora Afrin

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Produced water (PW) is a bulk portion of byproduct generated during oil and gas extraction operations and can be potentially reused for various purposes. However, the treatment costs and associated environmental issues call for a multitude of factors for proper management. This research aims to evaluate the viability of technologies for treating PW in terms of their technical performance, cost-effectiveness, and environmental considerations. Technologies evaluated include well-established processes such as reverse osmosis desalination, adsorption, membrane distillation, electrodialysis, evaporation pond, and thermal vapor compression, and those that are under development (e.g., ion exchange, photocatalysis). Realistically, combining two or more processes has been applied to remove targeted PW components. A cost-effective technology with minimal pollutant discharge is preferred for PW management and that can be possible through electrochemically driven technologies. Eventually, such technologies are green technologies ensuring clean water production, energy storage, and conservation of valuable material resources from produced water.


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