"Nurturing Student's Academic Belongingness and Success Within a Hispan" by Arianna Acosta and Jasmyne Thomas

Nurturing Student's Academic Belongingness and Success Within a Hispanic Majority Institution

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



With the growing population of Hispanic students pursuing higher education, a limited scope of research focuses on their academic outcomes outside of Primarily White Institutions (PWIs). Although previous research has shown that minority students at PWIs experience upward social comparison (identification/contrast) and strive for self-improvement, Hispanic Majority Institutions (HMIs) may offer a culturally-relevant environment that creates a different sense of community. Nevertheless, limited research has explored how HMIs facilitate the multifaceted aspects of the student experience to shape students’ academic success and sense of belonging. This presentation brings together perspectives from different disciplines (e.g., sociocultural and cognitive psychology, education, business) to synthesize and describe different hypothesized relationships between academic belonging and success, multiply defined. After capturing the state of the literature, we propose future research directions necessary to address these empirical gaps.


Learning and Living
BLH 362
