Allometric Growth in Gambusia Affinis

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Ecological conditions have been demonstrated to impact the morphometrics of fishes. We are interested in learning how morphometrics change with turbidity, yet the interpretation of patterns will be difficult if body proportions change with the size of the individual. To test this assumption, we looked for isometric growth in 17 adult female Gambusia Affinis. We regressed proportional body size over the standard length and tested for significance using ANOVA. The overall weight-to-length relationship shows an isometric relationship with adult body size. However, isometric growth was rejected for some body parts- the eye and the head both show allometric growth (the eye becomes significantly larger while the head becomes significantly smaller). Testing such assumptions is important before interpreting the influence of turbidity on morphology, and this work shows different answers are found for different body parts. Thus, future research on morphological features should require a control for certain characteristics.


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