Document Types

Individual Presentation


UTSA Downtown-Riverwalk

Start Date

2-23-2024 3:00 PM

End Date

2-23-2024 3:30 PM


This presentation shares a unique approach to redesigning an SHL course using multimodal projects that integrate challenges faced by the local Latinx community, growth of self-identity, and discovery of family and cultural heritage. The final product is a community showcase to share knowledge and connect through community, identity, and family.


Feb 23rd, 3:00 PM Feb 23rd, 3:30 PM

Tejiendo Raíces: Using Multimodal Projects to Connect Community, Self, and Heritage in the SHL Classroom

UTSA Downtown-Riverwalk

This presentation shares a unique approach to redesigning an SHL course using multimodal projects that integrate challenges faced by the local Latinx community, growth of self-identity, and discovery of family and cultural heritage. The final product is a community showcase to share knowledge and connect through community, identity, and family.