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Texas’ public and private companies, organizations, and agencies have collected water data for different purposes and at different scales for many years. These data are scattered across multiple platforms with different standards, often making important data sets inaccessible or incompatible. This leaves Texas’ decision makers, industries, landowners, and communities with significant amounts of data of limited use to support real-time decision making, development of opportunities for water security, or for modeling an accurate picture of Texas’ water future. On April 17, 2018, the Connecting Texas Water Data Workshop brought together experts representative of Texas’ water sectors to engage in the identification of critical water data needs and discuss the design of a data system that facilitates access to and use of public water data in Texas. Workshop participants described desires for future water data management and access, and key attributes of a comprehensive, open access, public water data information system.

Publication Date



Water Resource Management


Originally published as:

Rosen, Rudolph A. and Robert E. Mace. 2019. Internet of Texas Water Data: Use Cases for Flood, Drought, and Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions. Report No. 2019-11, The Meadows Center for the Environment, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, 51p.

Internet of Texas Water Data: Use Cases for Flood, Drought, and Surface Water –Groundwater Interaction
