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confidence–accuracy relationship, distance, discriminability, eyewitness identification
The distance from which an eyewitness views a perpetrator is a critical factor for eyewitness identification, but has received little research attention. We presented three mock-crime videos to participants, varying distance to three perpetrators (3, 10, or 20 m). Across two experiments, increased distance reduced empirical discriminability in the form of a mirror effect, such that correct identifications decreased while false identifications increased. Moreover, high confidence identifications were associated with high accuracy at 3 m (Experiment 1 and 2) and 10 m (Experiment 2), but not at 20 m. We conclude that eyewitnesses may be less likely to identify a perpetrator viewed at a distance, and also more likely to falsely identify an innocent suspect. Furthermore, there may be certain boundary conditions associated with distance and the impact it has on the confidence-accuracy relationship. More research is needed to elucidate the effect of estimator variable manipulations on the confidence-accuracy relationship.
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Repository Citation
Lockamyeir, Robert F.; Carlson, Curt A.; Jones, Alyssa R.; Carlson, Maria A.; and Weatherford, Dawn R., "The Effect of Viewing Distance on Empirical Discriminability and the Confidence–Accuracy Relationship for Eyewitness Identification" (2020). Psychology Faculty Publications. 19.
This is the peer reviewed, accepted manuscript version of the following article:
Lockamyeir, RF, Carlson, CA, Jones, AR, Carlson, MA, Weatherford, DR. The effect of viewing distance on empirical discriminability and the confidence–accuracy relationship for eyewitness identification. Appl Cognit Psychol. 2020; 1–14.
which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.