"Law Enforcement and Military Members: Engaging in the Community" by Karen C. Kalmbach and Randy Garner

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military culture, law enforcement


This chapter seeks to assist law enforcement by providing an empirical review of research on the relationship between military service and risk of dangerousness—to self (suicide) or others (violent crime). Risk posed by military members is poorly understood and largely overstated by media reports. The following discussion will reveal that—notwithstanding the unique aspects of military culture and service—most risk factors for violence (towards self and others) are similar for both military members and nonmilitary alike. However, some aspects of military service, (e.g., combat exposure), may impact the behavior and thought processes of service members who come into contact with law enforcement in the community. A better informed approach to the issues can assist officers in handling incidents, resulting in safer and more effective outcomes for all involved.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in:

Kalmbach, K.C., & Garner, R. (2015). Law enforcement and military members: Engaging in the community. In S. Morgillo, L. Miller, B. Moore, and A. Freeman (Eds.), Behind the badge: A psychological treatment handbook for law enforcement officers (pp. 99-130). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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