Date of Graduation
Summer 8-15-2024
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Thesis Chair
Dr. Lizbett Tinoco
This thesis details the creation of the Recuperative Rhetorics analytical framework, which is a scalable, transdisciplinary framework for analyzing rhetorical texts, from individual speeches to societal understandings of legacy and history. It discusses the framework’s theoretical underpinnings, explains how to utilize it in analyzing rhetoric and rhetorical works, and provides examples of the framework in action across multiple mediums. The framework takes inspiration from the theories and praxes of Situationist International, primarily those of the spectacle, ready-made objects, détournement, and recuperation. The framework uses these ideas, and then builds upon more established analytical frameworks to establish a base from which to observe the various ways texts exist within rhetorical cycles, identify inflection point texts within those cycles, and gain understanding and knowledge about where texts come from, how they affect epistemological and ontological understandings within their audiences, and how texts interact within and without various social and psychological spheres.
Recommended Citation
Palumbo, Nicolas, "Recuperative Rhetorics: A Novel Framework for Rhetorical Analysis" (2024). Masters Theses. 26.
Included in
English Language and Literature Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Models and Methods Commons, Rhetoric Commons, Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons