Date of Graduation

Spring 5-20-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Thesis Chair

Dr. Jennifer Phillips


As critical habitat continues to dwindle due to the expansion of urbanization, alternative habitat in urban ecosystems becomes a necessary natural resource for the survival of birds. In the last decade, local San Antonio environmental authorities have focused their efforts on restoring the San Antonio Mission Reach. Ecological revitalization of the San Antonio Mission Reach could increase avian, and flora biodiversity with ongoing restoration, yet how birds use restored habitat has not been assessed. Additionally, south of the Reach, two more peri-urban sites have great potential to be high quality habitat for birds but have not been surveyed for nesting birds. I investigate how landscape, soundscape, and light pollution affect the diversity and breeding outcomes for birds in south San Antonio. We conduct point counts along the Reach, while nest searching and documenting vegetation cover across the Reach, Mitchell Lake, and the Texas A&M-SA Campus.
