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Action Research, Quantitative, Qualitative, Diversity, Counseling Students, Older Students, Hispanic/Latino Students, Female Students


This article informs counselor educators and psychologists on how to utilize action research to evaluate diverse students, course work, and to improve classroom instruction. A paucity exists in research investigating educational needs of diverse counseling students. The present action research study examined educational experiences of diverse counseling students enrolled in a research course. The sample consisted of 70% Hispanic/Latino students, and a little less than half were older adults; 80% of the participants were female. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed. Findings, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.


Published as:

de Vries, S. R., McDonald, D., & Mayorga, M. G. (2017). Utilizing action research to improve counseling education course work for culturally diverse students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 11(2), 11-17. Available on ERIC.