College of Arts & Sciences

This page highlights recent scholarship and creative output from the College of Arts & Sciences.

Playful Mouth-to-Mouth Interactions of Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in Managed Care

Playful Mouth-to-Mouth Interactions of Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in Managed Care

Stranger Things Psychology: Life Upside-Down

Stranger Things Psychology: Life Upside-Down

The Bard in the Borderlands: An Anthology of Shakespeare Appropriations en La Frontera, Volume 1

The Bard in the Borderlands: An Anthology of Shakespeare Appropriations en La Frontera, Volume 1

Enhancing Neural Text Detector Robustness with μAttacking and RR-Training

Enhancing Neural Text Detector Robustness with μAttacking and RR-Training

Efficient Training on Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis with Learnable Weighted Pooling for 3D PET Brain Image Classification

Efficient Training on Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis with Learnable Weighted Pooling for 3D PET Brain Image Classification

Archiving Bilingual Latin@ Oral Histories

Archiving Bilingual Latin@ Oral Histories

Drugs, Thugs, and Mariachis: An Institutional Response to Mexico’s Drug Cartels

Drugs, Thugs, and Mariachis: An Institutional Response to Mexico’s Drug Cartels

Optimal Test Plan of Step Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing for Alpha Power Inverse Weibull Distribution under Adaptive Progressive Hybrid Censored Data and Different Loss Functions

Optimal Test Plan of Step Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing for Alpha Power Inverse Weibull Distribution under Adaptive Progressive Hybrid Censored Data and Different Loss Functions

Las Bexareñas and Their Wills: Women’s Material Culture and Cataloguing Practices in Spanish San Fernando de Béxar

Las Bexareñas and Their Wills: Women’s Material Culture and Cataloguing Practices in Spanish San Fernando de Béxar

"A Situation That Has Existed for Generations": Double Age, Race, and American Juvenile Justice

"A Situation That Has Existed for Generations": Double Age, Race, and American Juvenile Justice

Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater During New York City's Second Wave of COVID-19: Sewershed-level Trends and Relationships to Publicly Available Clinical Testing Data

Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater During New York City's Second Wave of COVID-19: Sewershed-level Trends and Relationships to Publicly Available Clinical Testing Data

Early Evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529  (Omicron) Variant in Community Wastewater: United States, November–December 2021

Early Evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) Variant in Community Wastewater: United States, November–December 2021