Davida S. Smyth Nicole A. Broderick Carlos C. Goller
Texas A&M University-San Antonio Johns Hopkins University North Carolina State University at Raleigh
This Research Topic is the second volume in the Community Series Tools, Techniques, and Strategies for Teaching in a Real-World Context with Microbiology. Making microbiology relevant to our students ..
This Research Topic is the second volume in the Community Series Tools, Techniques, and Strategies for Teaching in a Real-World Context with Microbiology. Making microbiology relevant to our students increases student engagement with science, which could not be more important as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. We have learned much during this period as we adapted and modified our learning environments and strategies, all while demonstrating the many ways microbes impact our world beyond disease. Placing microbes at center stage leads to engaging and exciting curricula and assignments. Microbes also are wonderful tools as they are easy to manipulate in the laboratory and serve as model organisms helping us to study biological phenomena and concepts. As faculty we can engage our students through guided inquiry, tactile hands-on tools, authentic research experiences, project-based learning, and case studies, with valuable, student-centered experiences occurring both inside and outside the classroom. We can also endeavor to abide by the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and those of universal design allowing all students to succeed in our courses.
Originally published as: Smyth DS, Broderick NA and Goller CC (2023) Editorial: Community series in tools, techniques, and strategies for teaching in a real-world context with microbiology, volume II..